New Business or Side Hustle


Lead Generation

Leads are the fuel of any business—the first point in the sales process. With an effective lead-generation process, you will dramatically increase your probability of success. But here’s the key to lead generation success – you MUST enter the conversation taking place in the head of your prospect. We will teach you how to generate all the leads you can handle.



You can get all the leads in the world, but if you can't convert those leads into paying customers, then you have missed a key foundational element of successful businesses. There are literally dozens of strategies that you can adopt to convert leads into paying clients. Master any ONE and your business will flourish. Master several and you'll be converting leads like a pro.



From working with thousands of business owners around the world, we understand the importance for business owners to find quick and effective ways to increase both revenue and profits, and do so with NO out-of-pocket expense. We’ve streamlined ten different strategies so you can learn them in 3 to 5 minutes, and execute most of them in about the same time frame.

The Marketing By Intention Academy

(Self Paced)


I have joined with a group of business coaches and through extensive collaboration, the Academy has come to life from the brilliant professional minds who have contributed to the project with their decades of experience. This isn't one marketing guy's idea, this is a mind trust that will change the way you do business.

It's a game changer.

Not only will you learn marketing and sales fundamentals and techniques, you will also have a vast library of solid business success principles to build and grow your business - from finances to self organization to resource management and all the concepts in between.

Take a tour of the academy by following the link below.